Understanding Creative Colour
Too bright, too soft, staining, fading… ahhhh! There’s SO much to know about creative colour, and unfortunately, it seems that sometimes the only way to learn is through your own mistakes.
That’s where we come in to help. We aren’t here to teach you overly complicated sectioning patterns, we want to break down creative colour so you understand the theory behind it and are able to create any technique with your new knowledge. You’ll learn what works, what doesn’t and just as importantly, how to communicate this to your clients so there are never any surprises!
Confidently predict colour results
Know which level to lift to and why
Understand when and how to pre-tone
Complimentary colour palettes
Formulating colours
Managing expectations around fading, staining and general longevity
Colour removal
Online presentation, case study before, during and after examples, interactive Q & A
Online 2.5 hours
New dates coming soon!