
Co-Founder Humankind Hair | International Educator | Certified Trichologist | Employed Hairdresser @ Tribe Clapham, London

Anneliese’s first proper word was actually ‘why?’ And she’s not stopped asking it since.

With 12 years’ education experience for a multitude of global hair brands, Anneliese believes that truly understanding WHY you’re doing WHAT you’re doing, is vital to the learning experience. With her scientific background and technical expertise, she’s calm even in a room full of colour corrections, and will come up with several solutions to suit even the most daunting demands. So feel free to ask those difficult questions!

Originally from Kent, Anneliese moved to London 12 years ago to further her career opportunities. She soon began teaching for L’Oreal, going on to run the Colour Specialist Degree and ID Artist programme, host the L’Oreal Colour Trophy and meet Harriet!

Now a certified Trichologist, Anneliese loves to share her knowledge with others. A typical week includes the running of and teaching for Humankind Hair, looking after her salon clients and additional freelance educational work.

“When it comes to hair, I need to understand the reasons behind whatever I’m doing. This means I can tailor the way I work with each human’s hair, and feel completely confident in the outcome. Studying trichology has been invaluable in understanding the technical side of hair, and I LOVE a geeky question or debate!”
